A few days ago I was at my Associations AGM where I was presented with a 30 year’s
service award as well as a Fellowship to McTimoney Chiropractic Association; the
highest level of Membership that is bestowed on a McTimoney Chiropractor. When I first
heard about my nomination the week before I was in total disbelief and I really thought
that there was a mistake! So much so that I didn’t even tell my family about it until after
the presentation.
To have received validation from my peers of my “life’s work” has been accompanied by
feelings of pride and accomplishment; to have undergone a journey of ups and downs
that thankfully shows no end has been inspiring, exhilarating and at times exhausting. It has been a journey of constant learning as much about myself as well as my clients,; one of being of service and of being humble.
“Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.” – Rumi
My Fellowship news came after I was asked to be an Advisory Council Member to House with Heart, the charity that holds a very dear place in my heart. I felt honoured to have been asked and again was not expecting it. I have accepted this role as I want to see my friend’s Beverly Bronson’s legacy live on. I like many others was devastated at her passing last year and am determined to do all that I can to help what she has built. I am already in awe of how the Board in New York and Nepal are steering forward; Beverly would have been happy with the progress. You can read about House with Heart on previous blogs and my charity page on the ebsite.
“Compassion is passion with a heart.” – Anonymous
Below is an excerpt from my citation that was presented to me by the President of
McTimoney Chiropractic Association.
Aarti says “For me McTimoney Chiropractic and House with Heart are a passion and a
way of life. Returning there is like returning to members of my own family. It is
impossible to forget their warmth, kindness and appreciation. Despite what many of
these children have been through, they know how to remain open, to share, to forgive, to
be compassionate, to radiate joy, to laugh, to play, to dance, and to love. One of the
things that has struck me the most whilst working with them is their understanding, even
at such a young age, that they have been given an opportunity other children haven’t
and if they make it in life it is their responsibility to give back to their communities”.
“I have immense respect and fondness for Aarti who I know to be a most
incredibly loving and compassionate person. Her love and passion for McTimoney
chiropractic she shares with everyone and she is a true ambassador for
McTimoney. I am proud to know her, and I have the greatest pleasure in
nominating Aarti for Fellowship of the McTimoney Chiropractic Association.” Dr.
Berni Martin, President McTimoney Chiropractic Association February 2019